Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

    Julie Bugg

  • Assistant Professor
  • Julie Bugg
  • Department of Psychology
  • http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~psych/default.htm
  • Washington University in St. Louis
  • Campus Box 1125
    St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Bugg is interested in the use of cognitive control to achieve attention and memory-related goals. Her research explores the mechanisms that are used to resolve interference in conflict tasks (e.g., Stroop) and the various levels at which these mechanisms operate (e.g., list-level vs. item-specific level). Current areas of focus include: a) factors that moderate selection of top-down vs. stimulus-driven control mechanisms, b) how the presence of environmental contingencies moderates use of top-down control, and c) the differential effects of normal aging on multiple levels of cognitive control. A second line of research examines cognitive training and exercise engagement as strategies older adults can use to maintain and improve cognitive control with age.

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