As the director of the online psychology degree, I split my time between teaching and administrative duties for the Department of Psychology. At the undergraduate level I teach on average one course in the classroom and 1-2 courses online each semester. At the graduate level, I teach a course focused on best pracitces for teaching online and all graduate instructors new to teaching online are asked to take this course. I assist the department chair with administrative tasks related to the online psychology degree program, including the curriculum taught in each class, program assessment, and the development of new courses. Over the past three years, I have been developing professional experiences for online students to help them be more attractive to graduate programs and future employers. These experiences include: Grading TA (PSYCH 497-01), Instructional TA (PSYCH 497-02), Psychology Mentor (PSYCH 497-03), Research Assistant (PSYCH 498), and Independent Study in the form of hypothesis testing or literature review options (PSYCH 499). I am also engaged in a line of educational psychology research looking at student performance on proctored vs. non-proctored exams in online courses. Other research projects are scheduled over the coming years.