Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

    Angela Bryan

  • Professor
  • Angela Bryan
  • Department of Psychology
  • http://psych-www.colorado.edu/
  • University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Muenzinger D244
    345 UCB
    Boulder, Colorado 80309-0345
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • The broad goals of my work are to use biopsychosocial models of health behavior to design, implement, and evaluate theory-based behavior change interventions to improve preventative health behavior. I currently focus on HIV/STD prevention and exercise promotion. Highly innovative aspects of my work involve using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and DNA collection to test key genetic and neurocognitive moderators of intervention effects and examine theory-based linkages between biological and social factors. With students and postdocs, I pursue secondary interests in evolutionary social psychology with a focus on attraction and mating.

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