Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

    Lynsey Ellis

  • Clinical Professor
  • Lynsey Ellis
  • Department of Social Work Field Education
  • http://sscs.massey.ac.nz/FE/festaff.htm
  • Massey University
  • Private Bag 11-222
    Palmerston North
    New Zealand
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Lynsey completed her PhD Social Work (2020) her title and objectives are: "Sustainable social work: a response to the impacts of climate emergency from social work education and practice in Aotearoa, New Zealand".
    To communicate the impacts of climate change to the social work community.
    To encourage an awareness and reflection of how these impacts will affect service users of social work in New Zealand.
    To work with the social work students, educators and practitioners using the cycles of action research, to make sense of the impacts of climate change and translate their meaning for the New Zealand social work practice context.
    To encourage social workers to develop their practice using a sustainable approach.
    To identify future training needs for social workers on sustainability and climate change impacts.

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