I am currently engaged in multiple research projects.
Three projects are related to domestic violence. Dr. Angela Hovey, Dr. Susan Scott, Lakehead Orillia, Social Work, and I are completing a quantitative study of police response data. This project is funded by both SSHRC and the Law Foundation of Ontario.
Also with Drs. Hovey and Scott, I am working on a project on harm reduction based approaches in shelters. This project recently won the Community Engaged Research Award, Lakehead University.
With Dr. Nadia Verrelli, Laurentian University, Political Science, I am preparing a book manuscript on the Supreme Court Case, R. v. Ryan, in which a severely abused woman attempted to hire a hit man to kill her husband. We are also completing an historical study of R. v. Whynott, an early case in which a woman who killed her husband in the context of abuse was acquitted by a jury. This project is also funded by SSHRC.
With Drs. Jodie Murphy-Oikonen and Karen McQueen, I am working on a project interviewing women who have experienced sexual violence, but who have had their cases deemed unfounded by police. This project is funded by SSHRC.
With Drs. Elaine Wiersma and Mariette Brennan, I am working on a project to expand knowledge by and for those living with dementia with regard to their human rights.