Who's Who in Social Sciences Academia

Registered Members - Log In:

To log in and update your record, you must have "Javascripts" and "Cookies" enable in your web browser. Most Internet browsers have both enabled by default. If not, the log in will fail.

If you have been provided a Username and Password, you may use these to login and update your record. The Username and Password are case sensitive, so you must type exactly the Username and Password, as provided. Often, an "O" (the letter) is mistaken for a "0" (the number). To prevent this mistake, you can "cut and paste" the corresponding Username and Password that you were provided. If you do cut and paste, please ensure that there are no leading or trailing blanks added. This would also cause the login to fail.

Unregistered/New Members:

You may already be included in our database, but not yet have a Username and Password. You can still provide updated information for your record by clicking on the "Register" button. This will take you to the blank data entry form. When you have completed and submitted this form, it will be reviewed and approved. Once approved, you will receive your own Username and Password with you can log in to more easily update the information in your record.

Update Record

Use the "Drop-Down Menus" or "Text Boxes" to update the information in your record. Items marked with an asterisk, are required to complete the record, i.e. they must be completed before the information is recorded in the database. If all of the required information has not be completed, an "Information" box will popup, letting you know which fields need to be completed.

You must click on the "Continue" button at the bottom of this form, and also click the "Submit" button on the subsequent "Confirmation" page to completely record your information.

If nothing happens when you click on the "Continue" button, it is likely that you do not have "Java Scripts" enabled in your browser. The easiest solution is to use a different computer to do the update, until you can correctly configure your own computer's browser.

Select or Verify Institution & Department: You should first ensure that your "Institution" and "Department" are selected. If your Institution and/or Department are not included in the "Drop-Down Menus", you should select " - Not Included -" for the Department in its "Drop-Down Menu". To complete your registration, you must provide information about your Unlisted Department (and Institution) at the bottom of the form.

Salutation & Title: Most of the fields are self-explanatory. The "Salutation" field is a "Drop-Down Menu" that allows you to select how you would like to be addressed. You can also have an Academic Title, Administrative Title, or both. For example, you might be "Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering" and also "Director of the Experimental Station".

Phone Number & E-mail: We require your e-mail address and phone number so that we can verify your identity and affiliation. Note, neither your e-mail address nor your phone number are displayed for others to view on our site. Futhermore, neither will be sold or distributed to any outside organization, under any circumstance.

Job Category & Academic Field: The next two fields are "Select Multiple Boxes". This means you can select more than one entry in these selections, if appropriate. For example, in addition to being a Professor, you are also the Department Head. Both categories should be selected. Similarly, you may actually have several "Academic Fields" describe your activities. Again, you should select all that apply.

Technical Expertise & Degree Information: The next text box allows you to provide a brief description of your technical or administrative expertise. Often, only several keywords will be necessary to describe your particular interests. You should be able to just "cut & paste" the information from your resume. The degree information should be self-explanatory. Note, only the year of your highest degree is required.

Personal URL & Fax Number: As an option, you can provide a link to your personal web page. This will be displayed on the "Details" page of our search, allowing users to proceed directly to your web site. The fax number may also be entered; this too is an option, but it will not be displayed on our site.

Unlisted Department / Institution

If your "Institution" and/or "Department" are not presently included in our database, you should have selected " - Not Included - " for the Institution and/or Department in its "Drop-Down Menu" at the top of the page. You will then need to fill out this bottom form so that we can correctly enter your Department/Institution information. All of the information is required including the State/Province & ZIP Code/Postal Code for both the United States and Canada. If your country is not the US or Canada, there are alternative fields for the foreign Province and Postal Code.

Javascripts & Cookies

Both "Javascripts" and "Cookies" MUST be enabled in your web browser in order to log in and fill out the forms on our web site. Javascripts are specifically used to verify the completeness of the information entered, prior to storing it in the database. Cookies must also be enabled. This feature is used solely to establish secure connection between your web browser and our server. This is necessary to maintain the authenticity of our users and clients, and prevent malicious tampering with the information in our database. Under no circumstances is the information in the "Cookies" stored or used to gather information about individuals who use our web site.