Meredith M. Redlin, Associate Professor
South Dakota State University
Department of Sociology
Domonique Reed, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Barnard College
Department of Sociology
JIM REED, Lecturer
Northern Arizona University
Department of Sociology & Social Work
William Reed, Professor
Albany State University
Department of Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Sociology
Ashanté Reese, Assistant Professor
Spelman College
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Ellen Reese, Assistant Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Sociology
Nancy Reeves, Professor
Cabrini College
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Jo Reger, Assistant Professor
Oakland University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Mark Regnerus, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Sociology
Jean Régnier, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Sociology
Wendy Regoeczi, Assistant Professor
Cleveland State University
Department of Sociology
Robert M. Regoli, Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Sociology
Adam D. Reich, Associate Professor
Columbia University
Department of Sociology
Jennifer A. Reich, Assistant Professor
University of Denver
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Lesley Williams Reid, Assistant Professor
Georgia State University
Department of Sociology