The Lighter Side of Academia: Cartoon Archive

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Listed below are all of the higher education cartoons that has published. Do you have an idea for a cartoon or would you like to subscribe?

Click on a cartoon to view the full cartoon and caption.

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  Cartoon #21, Parking space of your dreams!  
Cartoon #21, Parking space of your dreams!
Posted on: Jun. 28th, 2006

  Cartoon #20, The last day of classes brings mixed reactions.  
Cartoon #20, The last day of classes brings mixed reactions.
Posted on: Jun. 21st, 2006

  Cartoon #19, What ever happened to blackboards and chalk?  
Cartoon #19, What ever happened to blackboards and chalk?
Posted on: Jun. 14th, 2006

  Cartoon #18, Student ingenuity!  
Cartoon #18, Student ingenuity!
Posted on: Jun. 6th, 2006

  Cartoon #17, Just because we are adjuncts, do they have to pay us in beads?  
Cartoon #17, Just because we are adjuncts, do they have to pay us in beads?
Posted on: May. 31st, 2006

  Cartoon #16, Looking for something good.  
Cartoon #16, Looking for something good.
Posted on: May. 23rd, 2006

  Cartoon #15, Taking care of our students!  
Cartoon #15, Taking care of our students!
Posted on: May. 15th, 2006

  Cartoon #14, Somethings never change!  
Cartoon #14, Somethings never change!
Posted on: May. 8th, 2006

  Cartoon #12, Instructor evaluation day!  
Cartoon #12, Instructor evaluation day!
Posted on: Apr. 24th, 2006

  Cartoon #11, Professor Smith wins the Best Teacher of the year award.  
Cartoon #11, Professor Smith wins the Best Teacher of the year award.
Posted on: Apr. 17th, 2006

  Cartoon #10, For my  first class I will clone five TA`s.  
Cartoon #10, For my first class I will clone five TA`s.
Posted on: Apr. 10th, 2006

  Cartoon #9, After placing his lunch in the faculty and staff lounge fridge,
Professor Smith realizes his status in the university`s food chain.  
Cartoon #9, After placing his lunch in the faculty and staff lounge fridge, Professor Smith realizes his status in the university`s food chain.
Posted on: Apr. 3rd, 2006

  Cartoon #8, Only 3 publications and he expects to get tenure....  
Cartoon #8, Only 3 publications and he expects to get tenure....
Posted on: Mar. 27th, 2006

  Cartoon #7, Professor Smith learns how not to get tenure.  
Cartoon #7, Professor Smith learns how not to get tenure.
Posted on: Mar. 20th, 2006

  Cartoon #6, Annual Report: This year we made great strides
by doubling the number of women in Engineering  
Cartoon #6, Annual Report: This year we made great strides by doubling the number of women in Engineering
Posted on: Mar. 13th, 2006

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